Just wanted to introduce you to all of my Godchildren.
The first one is my Nephew, Lee, holding his Sister's little boy, Dylan. He's about to become a Daddy for the first time too.
The next one is Daniel, another Nephew of mine, he's nearly ten now.
Next is Louise, my Niece, she is the Sister to Lee and Mother to Dylan.
Last but not least is my friend's baby, Max. He is just seven weeks old. I love him as if he was my Nephew ( or Grandson ) Goodness knows I'm old enough.
I feel very blessed to have so many Nephews and Nieces and Great Nephews and Nieces. I love them all the same. I think it was thirty something last time I counted.
Mother's Day always makes me mull over my years of Motherhood and I know we came through some really bad times but we had so many really happy times too. Now both my boys are grown and doing their own thing, I would LOVE to be a Nanna. Still, I suppose I should just be grateful I have them both healthy and with me .But it doesn't hurt to dream...