Thursday, 17 July 2008


Anybody who knows me, knows I'm Steve's Mum.

Being Steve's Mum, I know that since being a toddler, he has ALWAYS shown compassion to animals whether they be large or small, two legged or multi legged, hairy, scaley, spikey, fluffy, feathery, you get the gist ...

He used to go " bug hunting " in the grass and would come back with frogs, spiders, slugs, in fact, he once came home with a hedgehog and hid it under his bed.. What a fright I got cleaning under there one day..

We put it in a box and took it back to where it came from and lo and behold, the next morning...there it was had found it's way back to us..

This went on for a few days, us taking it back and it ALWAYS coming back the next day.. obviously liked Steven..

To get to present day, Steven and Anthony have been given some Goldfish by a friend and they keep them in Steve's bedroom here. Anthony was then given some live Daphnia and some Bloodworms to feed the new Goldfish on.. soon as Steven laid eyes on these poor little Bloodworms and Daphnia, he went on his usual crusade and refused point blank to feed them to the Goldfish.

Instead he put them into my fishpond in the garden to give them" a fair chance of life"


How many people do you know with so much compassion for all living things..

What a special young man he is...but then...I guess I'm just biassed..






Monday, 7 July 2008


I know it's been ages since my last entry but I felt I had to let you know that my Sister- in-Law, Anne, passed away this afternoon....

As you may remember, She was struck down with lung cancer last year and it spread to her stomach and her brain..

She was in the local newspaper as she was trying to warn young people away from smoking...

She worked as a theatre nurse for many years. She was 52 years old and had celebrated her 1st Wedding Anniversary last January.

She has been in and out of hospital for treatment and was sent home a few days ago...

She had recently been on holiday with her Hubby and had a great time..

She called to her Parents house and had a cup of tea with them before going shopping for groceries.. 

Shortly after arriving home, she collapsed and an ambulance was called.. She collapsed again in the ambulance and died right there...

I have only known her for a short while but I will always remember her for her kindness, and thoughtfulness towards others..

She was the big Sister I never had and I will never forget her.