Sunday, 22 July 2007

bogus charities

The other day, I had a leaflet posted through the door asking for unwanted clothing etc, to be sent to poor countries needing help. .I raided my wardrobe today and managed to find four big sacks full of clothes. I felt really proud of myself for throwing out some clothes that I always NEVER thought I could live without. I even found some clothes for a baby girl, that I was saving for the day I maybe become a Granny ( well, you never know ). Earlier tonight Adrian suggested that I check out this company to make sure they were legitimate and I couldn't believe it when I found out that they WEREN'T. Apparantly this company is now dissolved. I was furious to think that people could use the misfortune of others less fortunate than themselves, to their own gain. Probably to sell them at a car boot or something. How low are these people ? Needless to say that I have now decided to take my donation to Oxfam instead... BLOOMIN' CHEEK !!! 

By the way, I forgot to mention that I won £47.00 on the lottery, ( I had 4 numbers ) then I won £6.00 on a scratchcard, £2.00 on another scratchcard and £2.00 on lottery dream number. WOW !!  £57.00 all in one night.... How lucky can a girl get ?


Anonymous said...

Bloody cheek of it! Ignore 'em Mum...Oxfam all the way..woo!

Love ya

Anonymous said...

Well that's very low of whoever these people are.
Good idea to check em out first, and good for you for giving things to a legitimate charity instead!


Anonymous said...

Unfortanately there's alot of that scamming going on all over the world. We had one recently for a food drive, it was a scam. Good for you in checking it out first. And congrats on the lottery win, woooohooooooo. ((((((((hugs)))))))

Anonymous said...

that's too bad Pat... we have a few legit places here... but I'm always careful too.  You can never be too sure.  Hmmmmm  lucky gal you are!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry...there's so many scams no days. I'm glad to hear that you won money on the lottery! YAY! :o)

Anonymous said...

Those rogues just prey on the goodwill of people and are very harmful to the genuine charities, Pat