I know this is a pretty private thing but I just couldn't believe what happened today, it was so weird I have to tell all.
My Son was rushed into hospital three Christmasses ago. His tummy was hard as a rock and he couldn't wee properly. His temperature was way up and he was in agony with his tum.
It turned out to be a blocked bladder, which needed a cathater fitted for a few days and antibiotics through drips and such. He was in hospital for four or five days with it all in all.
They said he would probably have to go in every few years just to make sure it doesn't happen again.
This morning at 7.10, this same Son rings and asks if we could get his cat ( Stitch ) to the vets as he was unwell. Really hard tummy, crying out in pain, really miserable etc.
Imagine our surprise when he was diagnosed with EXACTLY the same illness as my Son, his Daddy, bless !!!
How strange is that ...
Very strange, and weird. Bill
Freaky ifin ya ask me.
that is very strange indeed. ((((hugs))))
that is some kind of a coincidence huh?
life is always stranger than fiction, hope he recovers soon
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