Monday, 7 August 2006

Laminate flooring blues

Okay, so you go into the DIY shop really excited cos you're going to lay yourself a gorgeous new laminate floor in your guest room.

It costs you an absolute fortune for five packs but that's okay cos you're going to be proud to say you did it yourself.

You buy all the things that go with it, that you've NEVER heard of and wonder what they could all possibly be for.

You come home, have a nice cuppa while you read up on the instructions so that you know EXACTLY what you're doing.

Check that you have all the right pieces and you know where everything goes.

You tire yourself out running up and downstairs with the packs of boards, which seem to get heavier with each trip upstairs.

You come to click the boards together and then....... NO CLICK.

They wont click together, they don't even want to.

How frustrating!!!

Been trying to get it right for two days luck.

Think I should've stuck to carpet.




Anonymous said...

Uh oh, sounds like trouble!

Anonymous said...

Oh Pauline get some help ,those sheets can be so tough ,it will look good when its done though......... Jan xx

Anonymous said...

lol Pat it looks so easy when you see it done on television ~ you will have to rope your two boys in to give you a hand ~ I am sure it will look beautiful when it is done ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

I hope you are able to get all your DIY chores out of the way soon.


Anonymous said...

awwww I hope you figure it out. You can do it. I know I would not have the patience but I hope you figure it out.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on being a guest editors pick! -Dawn-