Thursday, 17 August 2006

Peggy's first LEAD ing role

It was Peggy's first time on her lead today. Thought I should perhaps start to get her used to the feel of it, as we will be going for lots of walks after her second injection takes effect next Friday.

She's ten weeks old now. I can't believe I've had her for nearly three weeks already.




Anonymous said...

she is beautiful, my in laws had westies until late last year when they lost their last one, he pined away because his mate died about six months earlier, they are lovely dogs

Anonymous said...

She doesn't look too sure about the whole thing!  Good luck.  

Anonymous said...

She is just adorable!!!!  They had the leashes at first, but eventually she will realize that it means more freedom for her to see different sights!  
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

she is so darn cute. I know you two will have fun walking together.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, bless her Mum!! She looks so cute!

Lv Ste

Anonymous said...

She is just adorable ~ I can see you enjoying many happy walks with her ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

She's adorable!!! :0
Have a lovely wkend, & come visit me sometime.

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful! I love Westies, such cute little dogs. I've just come over from Donna's journal. Been listening to your Stevie, he has a beautiful, amazing voice! Jeannette xx

Anonymous said...

Hello there.  This is my first visit to your journal.  I visit Stevies journal quite often.  I'll be adding your journal to my alerts.  Come visit mine when you have a chance.

Anonymous said...

Peggy is so cute!!! I hear your son singing too. . he is great!

Anonymous said...

Hello Pat. This is my first visit to your journal. I just had to stop by and tell you how much I've enjoyed getting to know Stevie as we've been working together on the anniversary planning committee. He is such a sweetheart and such an awesome talent with singing and video. He has really given a lot of his time and talent to this anniversary and community. He has been an integral part of the fun and success we're enjoying.

I can only hope that my one and only 14 year old son...will be such a nice young man when he grows up.  
