Tuesday, 8 August 2006

Little boy lost

As I came out from the hairdressers this afternoon, I noticed a little boy about three or four years old, crying and alone.

He was just about to cross a very busy main road with a tram approaching, so I stood right in front of him.

I asked him if he'd lost his Mummy and he said yes. A man approached me and started to ask me what was wrong, so I just took hold of the little boys hand and took him back towards the shop I saw him coming out of.

I asked him which shop he had just come from and he pointed it out.

I managed to get him to stop crying and just said not to worry, I'd help him find his Mummy.

Just as we walked into the shop, I noticed a lady coming towards us looking really worried.

The lady said she was his Mummy and I could tell she was anyway by the stressed look on her face.

Poor little thing, he didn't know what to do next.

Anyway, as we drove off towards home, we noticed him with his big brother and the rest of the family, skipping happily along home. What a relief..

Made me think though, if it had been a paedophile that found him, he would have been in really serious trouble.

I think we should all act really quickly in a situation such as this one and look out for our little people. They are so vulnerable and helpless in that situation.




Anonymous said...

So true.  Glad it was you who found him and returned him safely.  It is my biggest fear for my girls.

Anonymous said...

congrats on being editors pick
you did a great thing for that little one.
its good a nice caring person like you found him and not someone else.
take care

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you found that little boy and that his mom found him. It's so scary what can happen to kids.

Anonymous said...

Thankgoodness you were there Pat ,oh the Jamie Bulger thing comes to mind and worse ,bless you for being there .....Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I'll bet his Mum was going frantic Pat ~ thank goodness you found her so quickly ~ you are so right we must all look after our little ones ~ you hear such tragic stories these days ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

You handled that scary situation well. Thank goodness you came along right at that time. Paula